Property Management Specialists - Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Newcastle
Let’s get physical - supporting families to move more

Let’s get physical - supporting families to move more

Australians live and breathe sport; it's an integral part of our society and culture. But what if we told you that many children don't have access to sport or physical education due to their family's economic circumstances?

According to ABC News, a 2020 Sport Australia survey found the average national amount that parents spent annually on sport was $784 per child — a cost some families said they could not afford. According to the same report, in lower socio-economic areas including suburbs in the Central Coast, 60 per cent of families rely on government or corporate assistance to help pay registration fees. Additionally, many parents are entering into payment plans in a bid to afford the costs. 

Unfortunately, something as fundamental as team sport and exercise is increasingly becoming something that’s only available to affluent families. We’re on a mission to change that. 

Subsidising sport for local families

Key2 Realty is a social enterprise business that specialises in property management services on the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and lower Hunter Region. Key2 Realty is owned by Pacific Link Housing — a not-for-profit community housing provider. Profits generated by Key2 Realty help support Pacific Link Housing's tenant programs, including the SHEW (Sport, Health, Exercise and Wellbeing) Program.

SHEW provides eligible tenants with children aged between 5 and 17 with up to $250 per year per child to cover the costs of membership fees, classes, sporting equipment, sporting uniforms, cultural activities, and other activities. The aim of the program is to promote engagement and social inclusion in a registered sport, exercise or wellness activity.

Meet Ashlie, SHEW Program recipient

Ashlie is a Pacific Link Housing tenant and recent recipient of the SHEW Program. Ashlie’s two daughters have benefited from the program for their physical education (“physie”) lessons. They go twice a week, working all year round to prepare for competitions. Ashlie says that without the support of the SHEW Program, it would be impossible to enrol her children in physie. 

“At the start of the year, it’s stressful because you have the registration fees, the uniform costs (because the kids have grown), plus all the other school expenses,” she said. “The program helped by taking pressure off; everything was taken care of. It reduced the barriers we faced trying to help our children to engage in physical education.”

Ashlie also noticed a stark increase in her children’s confidence levels, which has also enabled them to build meaningful friendships with other students. 

CEO of Pacific Link Housing Ian Lynch said that the SHEW Program not only helped with the fitness and health of children, but also encouraged the formation of life-long friendships. 

“It’s a huge confidence boost for our tenants to be able to participate equally in these activities,” he said. “Turning up with the right uniform and equipment is so important for young people’s self-esteem and to feel part of the team.”

You can help

If you’d like to know more about how your investment property can help support families like Ashlie’s, please contact our team at Key2 Realty.

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